P3 Plzen Myslinka profits from the good location of the main moves of the borders. The Park in Myslince is talked to the nearby Dnie D5 and Města Pilsen, who is a few minutes away from the park. The SE Nacházi Protection Park is at exit 93 and is supported by one communication with a near park in Nýřany.


Lovosický Park is situated on Přímce Memi Prague and Dresden with an hourly dodge on the Německa side and the Třičtvrtěhodin in the main city. On the axis of the D8, the Park P3 Prague D8 is equal. The industrial complex is available, as for the time of the bus stops, and for costly transport, even here railway transport. The first hall, which was created, has a 100,000 m2 and has been overlaid to logistics companies. One suggests hobby markets, another will thwart logistics for the first number of foreign e-shops and provides standard 3PL services.

“Parks in Lovosice and Myslince are modernly modernized in clicks and at the same time available locations. The halls are a determined for logistics, e-commerce, the manufacture of or assembling. In Myslince we are already building speculatives and the free spasms of 16,600 m2 with the smaller pronajable unit of 3,500 m2 will be powerful from Dubna Příští year. In the Lovosice, the next construction of 15 000 m2 and 6,000 m2, and for the next we have construction permits, ”Říká Aleš Zach, the head of the development P3 Logistics Parks Pro Czech Republic.

A pre -industrial development of “green”

Since the attraction of the summer year, the P3 has increased the minimum standard for the quality of brilliant buildings. The new new halls are subject to the demanding ecological requirements of the BREEAM certification, at the level of Excellent or higher.

“The P3 spare parks are experiencing green revolutions. It is a vision than a deed efficient production, storage and distribution prostor, Nyní Standard P3 also means a higher level of maintenance and the more pleasant work prostage for the mountaineers of our nationals, ”adds Aleš Zacha. The buildings are equipped with LED by enlightenment, the same is the extensiveness of the sight of the sight of the world so that the effectiveness of the manipulation area is efficiently enabled. As part of the remaining Standard Standard Society P3, for example, she had the concept of green in the parises, which determines the excess of suitable trees, keys and rostlin, so that they fit around. The counting with landscaping, which helps, for example, with the lack of water and subsequent recycling into the victim.

Krome Plzeňska and Ústík Society P3 builds new prlasts such in Ostrava in the Lower area of Vítkovice.