After successful pilot testing in Europe, tracking devices are currently also installed in CHEP pallets on the Czech market. They will help protect the circular operation of the company's business, the key element of which is the elimination of pallet losses in transport and logistics. Sensors capture information about the location and condition of pallets as they move through the supply chain.

"Thanks to the Track & Trace system, we not only get a better overview of how our pallets are used, which helps us increase the security of the pooling environment, but we also have a great chance to track down opportunities for potential synergies in the supply chain to minimize operational inefficiencies. This is beneficial both for us, as a pooling provider, and for our customers and other business partners," explains Frederic Rotrou, CHEP country lead in the Czech Republic.

Mapping the entire string

Aggregate statistical data make it easier, more targeted and more time-efficient to identify and manage the flow of goods. At the same time, thanks to them, it is possible to react more quickly and flexibly to potential disruptions in supply chains. Increased transparency allows the entire chain to be mapped and all movements of goods to be tracked. Another indisputable advantage is the fact that pallets cannot simply disappear from the pooling system thanks to sensors.

“As a result of recent market turbulence and soaring raw material prices, many companies are experiencing pressure on both productivity and pricing. Due to the current global trend of increasing stock of goods, the availability of pallets became another topic discussed. Combining physical platforms with digital solutions allows us to track exactly where pallets or specific products are located. This gives us a valuable overview of the situation and allows us to proactively prevent future losses, damages or additional costs," adds Frederic Rotrou.

Certification in accordance with CE/EC requirements

Devices implemented in CHEP pallets are certified in accordance with CE/EC requirements (they meet European safety standards and other valid regulations). The data obtained by them can be used by CHEP to improve customer support, to track shipped CHEP pallets or containers, or to obtain aggregate statistical data on supply chains in order to ensure added value for customers.