“The park will be built on land that used to serve as a settling tank for the former sugar refinery, thus avoiding unnecessary land grab. The main advantage for Kojetín and its surroundings is the arrival of new companies that will increase competition in the labor market, help to increase wages and people from the neighborhood of Kojetín will be able to find a well-paid job near their home. In addition, new business opportunities may arise in connection with our park, ” said Jiří Stránský, Director of Accolade Site Development .

“Like other smaller towns, we are struggling with the problem of the composition of the population, when young people leave our studies for larger towns and later do not return due to better, especially economic, conditions. In the area of ​​civic amenities, we have invested hundreds of millions over the past few years to make Kojetín attractive for young families. I firmly believe that the construction of a modern industrial park will bring tenants who will offer well-paid and skilled work to all residents and find jobs for both blue-collar professions and college students. So far, negotiations have been very correct from both sides and I am glad that we have acquired a strong and fair partner for the development of the city, ” added Leoš Ptáček, Mayor of Kojetín .

Source / photo: www.retrend.cz / Accolade Holding, as