The six-year collaboration between Dachser, myclimate and terre des hommes focuses on two complementary areas: climate protection projects with myclimate, which are certified according to recognized standards in South America, Africa, Asia and Europe, and projects with terre des hommes aimed at supporting children and young people around the world, which will also focus on climate action.

Terre des hommes and its local partner organizations have many years of experience working with children and young people who are fighting for their right to a healthy environment. myclimate organizes projects around the world that support measurable climate protection and sustainable development. A steering committee was set up to oversee project selection and program management, with representatives from Dachser, myclimate and terre des hommes as members.

"It is our sincere intention to make a meaningful contribution to environmental and climate protection activities," says Bernhard Simon, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Dachser Group and member of the Steering Committee for Climate Project Cooperation, adding, "As a logistics company, we focus on actively reducing emissions through process efficiency and energy efficiency as well as in our research and development. We are also committed to implementing changes beyond our business activities. The contract with myclimate and terre des hommes now gives us a sustainable framework for these activities.'' "People in emerging and developing countries are greatly affected by climate change. We want to connect locally with the aim of preserving and improving the living conditions of children and young people," explains Bernhard Simon.

Stefan Hohm CDO (Chief Development Officer) of the Dachser Group adds: "We will not only contribute financially, we will also actively shape the projects. We are not about carbon credits. We do not plan to use the positive effects on the climate that these projects are supposed to bring for the purposes of compensation or advertising slogans like 'climate neutral', nor do we want to transfer them to third parties. Our goal is to support climate protection measures with targeted, long-term activities. We have found a very experienced partner in myclimate and we look forward to bringing our high standards to life together."

More climate protection measures

Cooperation is already underway on projects in South America, Africa, Asia and Europe. It will make it possible to expand proven myclimate concepts and transfer them to other regions. Brand new projects are also planned. Dachser will finance the projects and will be significantly involved in their selection and development. Both myclimate and terre des hommes will be responsible for the development of the project portfolio and the ongoing management of the programs in cooperation with local partners. All projects must be sustainable and long-term in nature, must clearly contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and must contain measurable indicators that will be certifiable according to recognized standards.

Stefan Baumeister, managing director of myclimate Germany, explains: “This agreement represents something special for us. The long-term cooperation that we are now starting with Dachser is the key to the implementation of effective projects that serve to protect the climate and at the same time promote social development. This exceptionally wide-ranging collaboration will enable much more climate action that is urgently needed around the world.”

The collaboration will focus on a category of community projects that include access to clean local energy and cooking energy, better access to drinking water, improvements in agriculture and food security, as well as waste management and e-mobility. It will also take into account technological efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Better living conditions

Local support, especially for children and young people, is also at the heart of Dachser's cooperation with terre des hommes. Now myclimate will provide this international organization for children's rights with advice and support, especially in the area of quality and certification.

Joshua Hofert, member of the executive board and spokesperson for terre des hommes, says: “The climate crisis is having a major impact on the lives of poor and disadvantaged children in many regions of the world. Every year, approximately 1.7 million children under the age of five die from diseases caused by poor living conditions. Every child has the right to live in a healthy environment. Our new collaboration with Dachser and myclimate is to help make this children's right a reality.” Dachser has been working with terre des hommes since 2005 to help people help themselves and exercise children's rights around the world. Diverse projects in South Asia, South Africa, Latin America and Ukraine aim to improve the lives of children and young people today and in the future.